Value-Added Resellers (VAR’s)

Helping VAR’s Dominate Within Their Chosen Market

The VAR eco-system has seen monumental change in the last decade.  The move from professional services companies to cloud-based recurring revenue organizations has required an extremely difficult transition.  This is where Geoff Ashley & Associates has spent the last 40-years!  Helping VAR’s experience significant and profitable growth – even in times of tremendous change.

GAA clients can expect:

* Exceptional programs, methodologies, workshops, webinars and resources specific to the ERP VAR, ISV and OEM.  We have 40-years experience delivering exceptional value!

* A highly prescriptive approach to helping:
     – Principals, Owners & Executives
     – Sales Executives
     – Pre-Sales Engineers
     – Customer Success Managers
     – Consultants and Implementation Specialists

* A focus that is specific to the cloud.  And more importantly, to the recurring revenue model!  

* Helping POE’s create and manage to a significant and profitable exit strategy – regardless of what that exit strategy looks like.

* Consulting on best practices and KPI’s specific to the VAR model.  Compensation plans, role descriptions, sales, pre-sales, customer success and POE strategies and methodologies.  ALL PROVEN TO WORK

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The Benefits of Training Your Staff
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